Leaning against Yushan Mountain Range, resting by Chen You Lan Stream on the other side of Xi Tou, Lao Wu Home Stay sits quietly and sturdily in its own green field at the heart of Shang An Village in Shui Li, Nan Tou County.Lao Wu realised the importance of living with nature after years of urban life, and decided to return to where he came from with his family. They built a traditional wooden structure two-floor guest house by the brook, and then channelled the water to the ponds, planted pine and willow trees in the garden to create a tranquil haven in this worldly world.
If life is an on-going learning process, then the yards of lush vegetation is part of the progress. The Mother Nature is always kind to those who pay their respect and only return with more bountifulness. The trunk of willow trees are thickening by the year while the five-leave pines expending their branches. Fireflies gather around unpolluted water, fishes swim in the brooks and the ponds, and the special guest - moorhens nest in the farm.The farm house recycle and reuse the waste and the leftovers to make compost and then to be added to the soil as fertilizer, forming an excellent and organic growing medium for the plants, flowers and the home grown vegetables. With an ecosystem pond on the site, it is not only helpful to the well-being and the functioning of our environment, but also enjoyable to see the lotus and waterlilies blossoming. This is the way we live our lives
Take a stroll and relax in the soothing garden, slow down the pace and hear the birds chirping, bath in the sunshine, embrace the mountain views and immerse oneself in the sound of wind chimes when the breezy air came from the valley, no word is needed.Lao Wu Home Stay welcome you to visit and experience the enjoyable, close-to-the-nature life style that we are more than happy to share with you.
Leaning against Yushan Mountain Range, resting by Chen You Lan Stream on the other side of Xi Tou, Lao Wu Home Stay sits quietly and sturdily in its own green field at the heart of Shang An Village in Shui Li, Nan Tou County.Lao Wu realised the importance of living with nature after years of urban life, and decided to return to where he came from with his family. They built a traditional wooden structure two-floor guest house by the brook, and then channelled the water to the ponds, planted pine and willow trees in the garden to create a tranquil haven in this worldly world.
If life is an on-going learning process, then the yards of lush vegetation is part of the progress. The Mother Nature is always kind to those who pay their respect and only return with more bountifulness. The trunk of willow trees are thickening by the year while the five-leave pines expending their branches. Fireflies gather around unpolluted water, fishes swim in the brooks and the ponds, and the special guest - moorhens nest in the farm.The farm house recycle and reuse the waste and the leftovers to make compost and then to be added to the soil as fertilizer, forming an excellent and organic growing medium for the plants, flowers and the home grown vegetables. With an ecosystem pond on the site, it is not only helpful to the well-being and the functioning of our environment, but also enjoyable to see the lotus and waterlilies blossoming. This is the way we live our lives
Take a stroll and relax in the soothing garden, slow down the pace and hear the birds chirping, bath in the sunshine, embrace the mountain views and immerse oneself in the sound of wind chimes when the breezy air came from the valley, no word is needed.Lao Wu Home Stay welcome you to visit and experience the enjoyable, close-to-the-nature life style that we are more than happy to share with you.

Our farm is a playground for all natural inhabitant, Chinese bulbuls start to sing early in the morning, kingfishers and egrets have their breakfast by the stream. White-breasted waterhens and moorhens join us in the recent years. Those sociable white-throated hill partridges walk in and out of the yard busily while the shy Malaysian night herons prefer hide and seek.
Floating moss in the pool provides fish and freshwater shrimp a comfortable home to live in peacefully. Lushes of perennial peanut dotting with yellow flowers in the garden, umbrella plants are perfect for various waders and shorebirds to have a rest.
In summer time, pleasant smell of ginger lilies and lotus flowers pervade the air.
When the night comes, fireflies emerge like twinkling stars as well as frogs and long-horn grasshoppers are performing the background music. With the moon glowing, do step in the brooks and enjoy the cooling spring water!
Our farm is a playground for all natural inhabitant, Chinese bulbuls start to sing early in the morning, kingfishers and egrets have their breakfast by the stream. White-breasted waterhens and moorhens join us in the recent years. Those sociable white-throated hill partridges walk in and out of the yard busily while the shy Malaysian night herons prefer hide and seek.
Floating moss in the pool provides fish and freshwater shrimp a comfortable home to live in peacefully. Lushes of perennial peanut dotting with yellow flowers in the garden, umbrella plants are perfect for various waders and shorebirds to have a rest.
In summer time, pleasant smell of ginger lilies and lotus flowers pervade the air.
When the night comes, fireflies emerge like twinkling stars as well as frogs and long-horn grasshoppers are performing the background music. With the moon glowing, do step in the brooks and enjoy the cooling spring water!

Healthy food comes from earnest hands. We committed to our guests with healthy meals. In order to do so, we grow organic vegetables in the farm and work with other earth friendly farmers. We also roll up the sleeves and make wood burning fire for our homemade steamed rolls which are highly rated and recommended.
We use brown rice as base to produce slow fermented vinegar, then flavored with local plums, grapes, or five-leave pine needles. Soaking for two to three years, our own brand drinking vinegar is ready. This is the perfect drink we serve our guests every night after meal to help digestion.
Our organic farmer brother Lu, an elder sibling of Lao Wu, is the first who initiate organic method in Shang An Village decades ago. He has achieved organic certification from National Chung Hsing University and is committed to keep a sustainable environment.
He has planted organic lemons, peaches and plums all over his farm land. And that is the plums we sourced for our production of plum extract. Plum extract is a potent alkaline food which has been widely praised and used to restore acid-base body.
Healthy food comes from earnest hands. We committed to our guests with healthy meals. In order to do so, we grow organic vegetables in the farm and work with other earth friendly farmers. We also roll up the sleeves and make wood burning fire for our homemade steamed rolls which are highly rated and recommended.
We use brown rice as base to produce slow fermented vinegar, then flavored with local plums, grapes, or five-leave pine needles. Soaking for two to three years, our own brand drinking vinegar is ready. This is the perfect drink we serve our guests every night after meal to help digestion.
Our organic farmer brother Lu, an elder sibling of Lao Wu, is the first who initiate organic method in Shang An Village decades ago. He has achieved organic certification from National Chung Hsing University and is committed to keep a sustainable environment.
He has planted organic lemons, peaches and plums all over his farm land. And that is the plums we sourced for our production of plum extract. Plum extract is a potent alkaline food which has been widely praised and used to restore acid-base body.